
初中 來源:網(wǎng)絡 編輯:小新 2018-05-07 14:31:13




  易錯點一:關系代詞和關系副詞的混用。例 1. I’ll never forget the days when I spent in New York with you.   例 2. I’ll never forget the days which I visited New York with you.   析:例 1 中的 when 應改為 which 或 that ;例 2 中的 which 應改為 when .區(qū)分關系代詞和關系副詞的關鍵是看它們在定語從句中所充當?shù)某煞?。如果定語從句中缺少主語、賓語,就應考慮使用關系代詞,如例 1 ;若定語從句中缺少狀語,就應考慮使用關系副詞,如例 2 .

  易錯點二:固定句式出差錯。例 3. Mary is so lovely a girl as everybody loves her.   例 4. Mary is so lovely a girl that everybody loves.   析:例 3 中的 as 應改為 that ;例 4 中的 that 應改為 as . so…as 或 so…that 為固定句式,前者為 as 引導的定語從句, as 在定語從句中作賓語或主語,如例 4 ;后者為 that 引導的結果狀語從句,該從句的成分是完整的,不缺少主語或賓語,如例 3 .類似的固定句式還有 the same… as (that) , such…as , as…as 等。

  易錯點三:主謂不一致。例 5. Tom is one of the students who likes swimming.   例 6. Tom is the only one of the students who like swimming.   析:例 5 中的 likes 應改為 like ;例 6 中的 like 應改為 likes .在“ one of + 復數(shù)名詞 + 定語從句”結構中,定語從句的先行詞是復數(shù)名詞,故謂語動詞要用復數(shù)形式,如例 5 ;在“ the (only) one of + 復數(shù)名詞 + 定語從句”結構中,先行詞是 one ,而不是復數(shù)名詞,故謂語動詞要用單數(shù)形式,如例 6 .

  易錯點四:與強調句型及其他句型的混合。例 7. Was it in the shop that you bought the recorder that you lost your pen?   例 8. You’d better make a mark at where you have any questions.   析:例 7 中第一個 that 應改為 where ;例 8 中應去掉 at .例 7 為帶有定語從句的強調句, you bought the recorder 為定語從句,其引導詞應用 where ,后面第二個 that 才是強調句中的 that ,此句可還原為: You lost your pen in the shop where you bought the recorder .例 8 為 where 引導的地點狀語從句。

  易錯點五:對先行詞概念不明確。例 9. It this library that you visited yesterday?   例 10. Is this the library where you visited yesterday?   析:例 9 中應在 library 后加 the one ;例 10 中的 where 應去掉或改為 that 或 which .在例 9 中, this library 是主語, is 是謂語, that 引導的是定語從句,但沒有先行詞,故應補加先行詞;在例 10 中, the library 是先行詞,定語從句缺少賓語,故應用 that 或 which 來引導,當然也可以省略。

  易錯點六:特殊名詞作先行詞時關系詞的選取錯誤。例 11. I don’t like the way which you speak to her.   例 12. I don’t care for pay. I just want to get a job that I can be greatly valued.   析:例 11 中應在 which 前加 in 或將 which 改為 that 或去掉;例 12 中的 that 應改為 where 或 in which .在定語從句中,有些特殊名詞作先行詞時其關系詞的選取有的特殊性,如 way 作先行詞時,其引導詞可用 that 或 in which 或省略,如例 11 ;與 way 相似的還有 job , situation , point , case 等作先行詞時,關系詞常用 where 或 in which ,如例 12 .#p#副標題#e#

  易錯點七:忽略as 和which 引導非限定性定語從句的區(qū)別 。例 13. He failed in the exam again, which was expected.   例 14. He failed in the exam again, as was not what he had expected. 析:例 13 中的 which 應改為 as ;例 14 中的 as 應改為 which . as 和 which 雖然都可引導非限制性定語從句,但仍有以下三點區(qū)別:( 1 ) as 有“正如;就像”之意,而 which 沒有;( 2 ) as 引導的非限制性定語從句可置于句首、句中或句末,而 which 只能置于句末;( 3 )如果非限制性定語從句是否定句時,只能用 which 引導。

  易錯點八:忽略that 和which 引導限制性定語從句的區(qū)別。例 15. This is the most exciting football game which I have ever seen.   例 16. Here are the samples that — had I thought of it — you could have taken with you yesterday.   析:例 15 中的 which 應改為 that ;例 16 中的 that 應改為 which .當先行詞被較高級、序數(shù)詞修飾或先行詞本身是不定代詞時,只能用 what 來引導定語從句,如例 15 ;當關系詞后面有插入成分時,只能用 which 來引導定語從句,如例 16 .

  易錯點九:介詞前置出差錯。例 17. The two things with which Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms.   例 18. Tell him all the things to which he should pay attention.   析:例 17 中的 with 應改為 about 或 of ;例 18 中應把 to 移到 attention 的后面。在定語從句中前置的介詞需要和后面的動詞或形容詞構成固定搭配,如例 17 ;但并不是的固定搭配中的介詞都可前置,如例 18 .

  易錯點十:which 和whose 的意義不明確。例 19. The book which cover is broken is of great help to all of us.   例 20. The book of whose cover is broken is of great help to all of us.   析:例 19 中的 which 應改為 whose ;例 20 中的 whose 應改為 which .在定語從句中,關系代詞 which 不能在定語從句中作定語,但 whose 可作定語,“ whose + n ”相當于“ the + n + of which ”或“ of which + the + n ”。

文章標簽: 定語從句
上一篇:中考英語之如何區(qū)分定語從句和同位語從句?這兩種從句有哪些不同點? 下一篇:小學升初中成績下降?初中生應該怎樣增強成績?
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