
高考 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 編輯:小五 2021-03-23 09:51:57




  Text 1

  M: Ryan didn't go to work yesterday. He was running a fever and had to go to the hospital.

  W: Oh, really? I thought he was watching football with his friends.

  解析:開場第一人的話語里即提到了Ryan昨天沒去上班,他發(fā)燒了不得不去醫(yī)院。had to go to the hospital對應(yīng)答案went to the doctor。

  Text 2

  W: I've sent out the invitations for the dinner party.

  M: That's good. Now what should we do?

  W: We've got to plan the menu.

  M: OK. Do you have anything in mind?

  解析:女士說已經(jīng)發(fā)了晚宴的請東,男士問現(xiàn)在要干什么。根據(jù)女士說要計劃菜單, 得出答案“他們正在為晚宴做準(zhǔn)備”。考生應(yīng)注意plan to do與prepare for的對應(yīng)。

  Text 3

  W: Excuse me. Could you please take a picture of me with this camera?

  M: No problem. Do I have to focus it?

  W: No, all you have to do is point and press the button.

  M: All right. Say “Cheese”.

  解析:本題較為直接,根據(jù)女士第一句話中請男士幫忙拍照片(take a picture=take a photo)得出答案。另外,say Cheese也是照相的提示。不過考生須注意后面語句的干擾:focus是“對焦”不是B選項的fix(修復(fù));而point是“對準(zhǔn)”而不是C選項里的print(打印) 。

  Text 4

  M: Oh no! I can't find my mobile phone.

  W: Didn't you use it at the supermarket to call you friend?

  M: Yes, I did. I must have left it at the cashier's desk.

  W: Don't worry. Let's drive back to find it.

  解析:本題推斷接下來說話的兩人要干什么。根據(jù)男士說找不到手機,女士問是不是在市(supermarket)里打過電話,然后男士推測是留在收銀臺(the cashier's desk)及后面女士建議開車回去找。得出return to the supermarket的答案。

  Text 5

  W: What about going for a bike ride?

  M: Is it still raining?

  W: No, but it's still dull. Let's hang on for half an hour or so. It may clear up then.

  解析:根據(jù)男士問是不是在下雨,女士回答“沒有,只是陰沉”得出答案cloudy考生需注意dull的一詞多義(陰郁, 晦暗, 平淡乏味);另外,玩半小時后也許clear up(放晴)是干擾項。

  Text 6

  M: I thought your flight would arrive two hours ago. What took so long?

  W: Didn't they announce that our flight was delayed?

  M: I didn't hear anything about a delay. I thought everything was running on time. What happened?

  W: We got on the plane on time but then we were held up for almost two hours due to an unknown problem.

  M: That's too bad. Have you had anything to eat?

  W: I managed to get a sandwich on the plane. How about you?

  M: I've had nothing but a cup of coffee. I'm starving. Let's get out of here and find a restaurant.


  第6題問女士航班的情況。根據(jù)男士說沒聽到關(guān)于延誤的通知,排除B選項,又根據(jù)女士說按時登機但由于不問題耽擱了大概兩個小時。得出答案為A選項“飛機沒能按時起飛(take off) ”??忌氉⒁鈌ail to do的意思為“沒能做到...”。

  第7題推斷對話發(fā)生的地點。多處提示,男士第一句“航班兩小時之前就該到,什么耽擱那么久?”能推測他是來接機的;再根據(jù)較后一句“讓我們離開這去找家餐館(find a restaurant)?!闭f明對話發(fā)生在機場,現(xiàn)在他們要去找餐館吃飯。干擾項就是on the plane和restaurant, 考生須注意聽完整意思。

  Text 7

  M: Lisa, how do you get your news every day?

  W: Well, I get most of my news from TV. I also read newspapers. Radio is my last choice and I seldom go online. How about you?

  M: I hardly listen to the radio either, but I do love reading news on the Internet.

  W: You should be careful with the information online. Much of it cannot be trusted at all. By the way, what type of news are you interested in?

  M: I mainly focus on sports news. What about you?

  W: I enjoy watching quite a number of news programs on TV. Many of them center on business, art and international politics.

  M: Well, I have a feeling that the news reporters on TV usually say similar things based on the same information. And some of the news is very sad.

  W: I know what you mean. But you have to keep up with what's happening around the world, even though it makes you feel bad sometimes.



  第9題直接根據(jù)男士回答的主要關(guān)注(focus on) 體育新聞得出答案。


  Text 8

  M: Good morning, this is Kevin Johnson. What can I do for you?

  W: Hello, manager. Can't you do something about the service in this hotel?

  M: I'm sorry, madam. What's the problem exactly?

  W: My breakfast, that's the problem. I ordered a full English breakfast from room service at least half an hour ago. I've telephoned them three times but my breakfast still hasn't come.

  M: I see.

  W: I've got an important meeting at nine o'clock. And now it seems I'll have to go there without breakfast. Really I don't think this is good enough.

  M: I'm very sorry, madam. You ordered breakfast half an hour ago and you phoned three times since then.

  W: That's right.

  M: I'm really sorry about this. You should have received the breakfast no later than ten or twenty minutes after you ordered it.

  W: That's what I thought.

  M: The problem may be that they are short of people in the kitchen recently, but I will look into this myself. Full English breakfast, was it?

  W: Yes, full English breakfast.

  M: Very well, madam. I will bring it up to your room right away.




  第13題問男士接下來會做什么。根據(jù)他原話中廚房缺人手,他親自去了解情況,得出go to the kitchen。

  Text 9

  W: Hi, Jason

  M: Hi, Maria. You look excited. What's up?

  W: I had an amazing day.

  M: Really? What happened?

  W: I was shopping down the Oxford Street when I saw a woman. She looked really familiar. I mean I was sure I knew her. She was bending down and looking around her for something.

  M: What was she looking for?

  W: She was looking for her ring. Anyway, I found it for her. And when she got up, I realized it was Susan Hill, the famous actress.

  M: You mean the Susan Hill in the Good Old Days? You can't be serious.

  W: Believe it or not. Anyway, she was really grateful and she gave me a ticket to her new play. It's worth 50 pounds.

  M: Wow, that's great.

  W: I know, and she invited me to have dinner with her after the play with other actors.

  M: You're really lucky.

  W: So are you. She said I can bring a friend.

  M: Gosh! Thank you, Maria.



  第15題問Susan Hill的職業(yè)。根據(jù)女士話語中Susan Hill那個女演員得出答案??忌煜び⒄Z用語習(xí)慣,注意同位語對人物身份的表達(dá)。

  第16題問Susan給了該女士什么。根據(jù)女士話語中“她真的很感激并給了我一張她新話劇的票”得出答案。注意“價值50英鎊(worth £50)”是干擾項。

  第17題問男士會怎么做。根據(jù)女士說Susan Hill還邀請她話劇過后與其他演員共進(jìn)晚餐,男士說她很幸運,女士說“你也幸運,她說我可以帶一位朋友”,隨后男士感嘆并且致謝,得出答案——他將和Maria一起去。本題需要考生聽懂上下文所說的內(nèi)容從而作答。

  Text 10

  W: Good evening, everyone. This is the final team meeting before we travel to Costa Rica. I'd like to tell you about the three different projects that we're running there. Before I go on though, let me tell you that we will be leaving on the 6th of April and we will be coming back on the 20th instead of the 10th of July. I hope that won't be a problem for anyone. Now, the first project includes cleaning up the beaches in the east of the country. This is home to some rare sea birds and we're going there to do our best to protect them. The second project is in the capital, San José. There we will be working in the national zoo, planting trees to improve the animal's natural homes. The final project is in one of the national parks. This is in an area of rainforest which was destroyed, and now the Costa Rican government wants to bring new life to it. We will be planting trees and recording the growth habits of the plants that we find there. Okay, has anyone got any questions on any of that?


  第18題問團隊從哥斯達(dá)黎加回來的日期。根據(jù)獨白里出發(fā)時間是4月6日(the 6th of April),返回的時間是7月20日而非7月10日(on the 20th instead of the 10th of July)得出答案。干擾項是instead of后的日期。

  第19題問團隊去做第二個項目的地點。直接通過獨白中提到的地點the capital得出答案。

  第20題問及團隊在較后一個項目里要做的內(nèi)容。也是直接通過原話得出是去種樹(will be planting trees)和記錄植物的生長習(xí)性。


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