
高中 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 編輯:小新 2018-04-24 14:52:26

  貴州省2018年普通高等學(xué)校招生適應(yīng)性考試英語科目的試題已經(jīng)整理完畢,下面,伊頓教育一對一輔導(dǎo)小編就為大家分享具體的試題內(nèi)容,供同學(xué)們參考!!!近期,是學(xué)校舉辦各類模擬考試比較集中的時間,希望同學(xué)們能夠認真對待每一次的考試!!! 相關(guān)分享:參考答案|貴州省2018年普通高等學(xué)校招生適應(yīng)性考試【英語】





  閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A. B.C和D四個選項中,選出較佳選項。


  There's an offer for everyone, everyday with no hidden catch!

  Did you know that you can enjoy London for a lot less when you travel by train? It's simple-just jump on the train to the Capital with a friend and you'll get 2FORl entry at loads of top attractions, theaters, restaurants, galleries, museums, tours and events!

  The Coca-Cola London Eye

  Discover the view you'll never forget as you soar above the fantastic London skyline and

  see all that this amazing city has to offer.

  2FORl: ~26.00

  OFFER TIMES: Check website for opening times

  Price subject to change

  Voucher can be used everyday except the following dates at the London Eye:

  27 May-4 June, 22 July-31 August and 21-310ctober

  London Bridge Experience & London Tombs

  The London Bridge Experience, crowned "Best Guided Tour", and London Tombs, crowned "The World's Best Honor Attraction", is a two-part vivid theatrical show, bringing together history and horror, education and fun.

  2FORl: ~27.95

  OFFER TIMES: Mon.-Fri. 10:00-17:00 / Sat.-Sun. 09:30-18:00

  During the Summer and half-term, we operate a door policy of09:30 and first show 10:00.

  St Paul's Cathedral

  St Paul's Cathedral, with its famous dome (圓屋頂), is England's architectural masterpiece and place of national celebration.

  On Sundays the Cathedral is open for worship only.

  2FORl: $18.00

  OFFER TIMES: Mon.-Sat. 08:30-16:30 Galleries 09:30-16:15 Last admission 16:00

  Check website for any further closures or price changes.

  Westminster Abbey

  Kings, queens, statesmen and soldiers; poets, priests and heroes-Westminster Abbey is a must-see living exhibition of British history. On Sundays and religious holidays such as Easter and Christmas, the Abbey is open for worship only.

  2FORl: $22.00

  OFFER TIMES: Mon.-Sat. 09:30-15:30 Last admission 14:30

  The Abbey is a working place of worship and is therefore sometimes closed for special services and events. Check website before visiting.

  1. What can tourists do at The Coca-Cola London Eye?

  A. See the amazing skyline. B. Watch an interesting vivid show.

  C. Visit St Paul's Cathedral. D. Enjoy a real-life performance.

  2. When is St Paul's Cathedral available?

  A. At 09:30 0n Sunday. B. At 18:00 0n Thursday.

  C. At 08:00 0n Monday. D. At 10:20 0n Wednesday.

  3. One of the things that make Westminster Abbey a tourist attraction is .

  A. its galleries B. its show of British history

  C. its price D. its dramatic performance

  4. For 2 couples visiting St Paul's Cathedral, they have to pay at least _ .

  A. $26.00 B. $55.90 C. $36.00 D. $27.95


  If guilt could talk, it would say: "How dare you do the things you do when others never get a chance to enjoy them!"

  Last week, I'd just been told that my eyes were perfect at the doctor's office. I was so happy Then the guilt hit.

  My younger brother was born blind. If his blindness ever weighed him down, he never let it show. But I grew up carrying the weight of it on my shoulders. When my first husband died of cancer, I kept asking myself why I got to go on living and he didn't.

  The problem with blaming ourselves for things that aren't our fault is that it blinds us to beauty and numbs (使麻木 ) us to life. It hurts, not just us, but everyone close to us. And yet how do we make it stop?#p#副標題#e#

  I still don't know the answer to this, but what I've learned so far is: Guilt is a feeling begging to be an action. It doesn't want you to feel bad. It wants you to move.

  So I do. I try to act in a way that turns guilt into honor. To honor my brother, I try to see everything he can't. To honor my late husband, I try to be alive in ways he used to be. I delight in family, friends, people in general, and all the crazy things they do. And I say "yes" to every chance I get to learn and be alive.

  Instead of addicting to guilt, I see for someone who will never see. And I live well for someone who is no longer alive. I do it for them. But mostly I do it for me. It's not easy to see the world with all its glories and faults, or to be alive in all the ways life demands. But it's a lot more fun than feeling bad.

  5. What does the underlined word "It" in paragraph 5 refer to?

  A.Beauty. B.Action. C.Life. D.Guilt.

  6. What does blaming ourselves bring about?

  A. Letting us enjoy beauty. B. Objecting to others for everything.

  C. Hurting people around us. D. Making us feel delighted in everything.

  7. What is the author's attitude towards her life?

  A. Doubtful. B. Guilty. C. Indifferent. D. Active.

  8. What is the best title for the text?

  A. Changing Action into Honor B. Turning Guilt into Fun

  C. Letting Blindness Show D. Going on Living


  Robotics is an amazing branch of technological advancement that studies the creation and modification(改進) of robots. A robot is a mechanical invention that is able to be programmed to carry out tasks. Essentially, robots are machines that can do basic jobs all on their own. Robots have become more advanced over the years, being able to carry out more complicated functions than before.

  Even though robotics is a technological branch of study, it also borrows information from engineering and the sciences as well. Robots are automated, meaning they carry out different operations on their own.

  So far, we know now that robotics is a branch of study. This branch focuses on robots and programming them to carry out different functions. However, what is still unclear is what robots are used for.

  Robots carry out tasks that were previously orchestrated by humans. Robots were designed to take over jobs that were very repetitive and even jobs that posed great threats and dangers. By collecting basic parts together and even carrying out tasks that put human life at risk, robots have been created to make life easier for humankind. Because of the success of this field of study, space agencies now use robots to explore the moon, Mars, and other parts of space.

  There seem to be many advantages of robotics but there are disadvantages as well. To design, assemble, and programme a robot takes time as well as expertise. Robotics is a very expensive branch of technology so any faults or malfunctions(故障) can be very costly in the long run.

  Robots also can make human input unnecessary. Robots seem to have overtaken some employment that was only for people. This has resulted in job loss. However, robots have only undertaken jobs that were unfit and unsafe for people to do. The costing has been listed as the biggest disadvantage for robotics.

  9. What do we learn about Robotics from the text?

  A. It's an area related to engineering and science.

  B. It's a branch of technological economics.

  C. It's automated to write programmes.

  D. It's used for the creation of life.

  10. What does the underlined word "orchestrated" in paragraph 4 mean?

  A. Studied. B. Explored.

  C. Organized. D. Accepted.

  11. What do we know about the field of robotic research from Paragraph 4?

  A. It is booming. B. It is dangerous.

  C. It is complex. D. It is repetitive.

  12. What does the author say about the biggest weakness for the robotics?

  A. Difficult design. B. Unsafe programme.

  C. High-cost input. D. Complex functions.


  Music is a booming and respected industry in today's world. Karaoke, concerts, music based game shows and online streaming all give us access to this extremely important form of


  The music awards is a ceremonious event that commemorates(慶祝) artists and singers on their outstanding music based performance over the past year. Bands, pop idols, and musical legends are all celebrated during a luxury musical evening. The awards ceremony recognizes and congratulates different artists and their contribution to the music industry. Artists and singers create and compose a lot of new music in the hope of being recognized and nominated(提名) for this admired event.

  There are different awards that are given out at these musical ceremonies. Based on the different music genres(流派) and the different geniuses that are in this industry, there are diverse categorical based awards given out. Music awards give out trophies (獎杯) and recognition for the best album of the year, the best new artist as well as the best songs in the different musical categories. Boy bands, icons and pop singers all have an opportunity to win a prize at this event.

  The voting and nomination process can be quite laborious. First of all, the committee in charge of hosting the event needs to determine which singers meet the criteria for the awards. The criteria includes the type of songs they sing, how successful their songs are and how well known they are to the public. After choosing a smaller number of artists for each category, the names are given to the public who then vote for their favorite within each category. The voting process ends just before the music awards, where the votes are counted and the results are finalized.

  13, Who cannot get the chance to be honored at the music awards?

  A. Karaoke idols. B. Pop singers.

  C. Music composers. D. Music bands.

  14. Which of the following is the last step of the voting process?

  A. Counting the votes.

  B. Finalizing the results.

  C. Choosing some of the artists.

  D. Announcing the list of candidates.

  15. What is the text mainly about?

  A. The popular songs in the musical categories.

  B. Different music genres and different artists.

  C. Music, a booming and respected industry.

  D. An introduction to music awards.#p#副標題#e#



  Love is not a simple emotion. We love our parents, our children, our family, friends and boyfriends or girlfriends, and we love each person differently. How do we express love?

  In his book The Five Languages of Love, Gary Chapman explains that we give and receive love in five ways. 1 6 When two people speak different love languages, they can be unhappy because they don't understand each other. To form strong relationships, we need to understand how we express love and how the one we love expresses their love, too. So, what are the five love languages?

  ●Words of confirmation

  This love language uses words to show love.‘‘I love you.", "You look good in that dress.", “ 17 ”,‘‘I really like how you're always on time."...

  ●Quality time

  It means giving someone our full attention. Not watching television together, but talking and listening to each other. 18

  -Receiving gifts

  A present tells us:‘‘He (or she) was thinking about me." 19 Perhaps you give them a chocolate or a fresh chestnut they like will move them more.

  ●Acts of service

  “ 20 ”People who speak this love language do things for you, for example: cleaning the house, emptying the dishwasher, organizing a trip, etc.

  ●Physical touch

  Stroking, kissing, holding hands, hugs…without these, people who speak a"physical touch language" will feel unloved.

  We all are loved, but sometimes we just don't know it.That's because we don't understand other people's love languages.

  A. These words will build one's confidence.

  B. The gift does not have to be expensive.

  C. What type of love are you receiving?

  D. Or just you two going for a walk.

  E. Actions speak louder than words.

  F. You can always make me laugh.

  G. Each way is a "love language".



  閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A. B.C和D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白


  After Richard and Molly Wilson lost their 16-year-old son, Sam, to suicide in 2013, the last thing on their minds was 21for the holiday season. "We haven't put anything 22 in three years."

  But in December 2016, the house was lit up 23 .However, it wasn't the Wilsons who'd finally made the house twinkle. 24 ,it was a stranger, 30-year-old John Wayne, who 25 1ights professionally through his business. John is devoted t0 26 me lives of families affected by suicide, especially during the 27 holiday season and it works.

  John has been donating his light-stringing 28 since 2015 and has decorated the houses of over twenty 29 so far. When he arrives at a home to hang lights, he'll knock on the door 30 the family his plan, but if everyone is away, he'll put up the lights as a(n) 31 ,taking the decoration into his experienced hands and 32 the color he thinks would have 33 the deceased(過世的).

  John started the project 34 .He was hanging lights on a(n) 35 home when the owner36一that some neighbors were having a hard time because their son had recently died by suicide. Suddenly, John had an epiphany(頓晤).“I sent my staff there to decorate that house too," he says. The family was 37 .

  In fact, he had two friends who had died by suicide and had always wished he could ease the pain for their loved ones. Now he 38 a way. "There's something special about Christmas lights. They 39 the spirit."

  John knows his efforts can't completely lift the 40rom these families, but he can make the holidays a little cheerier.

  21. A. cleaning B.donating C.decorating D.partying

  22. A. down B.away C.back D.up

  23. A. cheerfully B.amazingly C.actually D_brightly

  24. A. Thus B.Instead C.Anyway D.Though

  25.A.fixes B.decorates C.hangs D.picks

  26.A.saving B.brightening C.celebrating D.amusing

  27.A.difficult B.traditional C.inspiring D.boring

  28.A.performance B.education C.deals D.services

  29.A.families B.members C.friends D.neighbors

  30.A.to show B.to give C.to tell D.to report

  31.A.award B.apology C.challenge D.surprise

  32.A.changing B.buying C.picking D.painting

  33.A.hurt B.amazed C.hit D.pleased

  34.A.by chance B.by mistake C.by choice D_by promise#p#副標題#e#

  35.A. client's B.partner's C.employee's D.employer's

  36.A.was surprised B.mentioned C.was told D.heard

  37.A.disappointed B.delighted C.awkward D.ashamed

  38.A.had led B.had passed Chad found D.had followed

  39.A.guide B.believe C.obey D.warm

  40.A.burdens B.sorrow C.worries D.anger



  Costa Rica is the perfect year-round destination for nature and adventure lovers. 4 1 no true seasons, the sun shines all year and usually the temperature won't drop below 20 degrees even in the cooler months. The long-standing commitment in Costa Rica to protecting wildlife and 42一(promote) green living has attracted international interest from those 43 are appealed by 44 (it)inventive and revolutionary approach to sustainability(可持續(xù)性).

  Any visitor 45 (present) with plenty of nice scenery; lush rain forests and towering volcanoes await, while in 46 capital city San Jose, there's a wealth of architectural and 47 (culture) treasures, including world-class museums, galleries, presidential palaces and dazzling public 48 (garden). The nature reserves span(跨越)over 25 percent of Costa Rica's land and 49 (be) home to a variety of wildlife-observant visitors have a chance 50 (catch) sight of some of Costa Rica's more endangered species, including sloths (樹懶)and jaguars(美洲虎).










  What I never understood in elementary school was how my dad would always tell me go on

  the bus last. At first I believe he merely wanted me to be respect to others by letting them go on

  first. Now I realized he just wanted to spend as more time as possible with me. As others were

  boarding a bus, my father whispered,‘‘ Behaving, son.1 love you." I responded,“Dad,1 love you

  too.” I then went on the bus and quickly hurried into my usually seat. I looked at the window and

  surely my father's hand was already there. And I put my hand in front of him. Even though there

  was a glass window between us, but my mind was calm and full of love.


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